Comunicacion Serial Rs232 Pic Ccs


This is a small example shows how to use PIC16F877A UART module using CCS PIC C compiler.
PIC16F877A UART connection circuit schematic:
Pin RC6 (TX) and pin RC7 (RX) are used for the UART (serial) communication between the microcontroller and the computer. To change between TTL logic levels (5V) and RS232 signals (+/-12V), an IC is needed which is max232.
Don’t connect TX and RX pins directly to an RS232 serial port which may damage your microcontroller.
CCS C compiler serial monitor can be used to communicate with the microcontroller.

PIC16F877A UART example CCS C code:
This is the full C code for this example.

PIC serial communication tutorial. RS232 uses voltages below (-5V)to represent a logical level '1', and voltages above (5V)to represent a logical level '0'. Therefore, to use this protocol we need voltage level conversion. This is possible using the device such as the MAX232. RS232 communication with CCS C compiler. The CCS C compiler provides a very simple way to do serial communication via RS232. It hides all the register settings for the user. Only the some parameters have to be provided, the rest is done by the compiler. See full list on

Comunicacion serial rs232 pic ccs 2019