Hex Workshop License File Keygen Crack
The Hex Workshop Hex Editor 6 by BreakPoint Software is a complete set of hexadecimal development tools for Microsoft Windows. Hex Workshop integrates advanced binary editing and data interpretation and visualization with the ease and flexibility of a modern word processor. With the Hex Workshop, you can edit, cut, copy, paste, insert, fill. The Activation Wizard can download the license file directly from BreakPoint Software or customers can download the license file from our Web Site and install it using the Activation Wizard. Select the first radio button, 'Download your Hex Workshop License over the Internet', to automatically download a license file.
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- Turbo Studio 21.5.1490 with Keygen. Turbo Studio (formerly Spoon Virtual Application Studio) – with this app you can combine files needed to make an app run into a package that is ready for use without deployment. The application allows you to create a virtual container and run programs in a virtual environment without the installation.
- We all know about using SHIFT key (hold down shift key and type the freq. release the shift key to type the decimal point hold down the shift key and finish typing the freq.) To program out of range freq. to the radios. The following is somethingcompletely different.
- This is intended to be used by people who know how to program this type of radios, and a little knowledge of hex is required.
- In this file I will tell you some information I have gathered in the past years. Some I was told and Some I found out by myself. As an example I will be using the GP300 software. You will need the following:
- The Motorola Software to program the gp300 radios
- the RIB
- the proper cables
- a good hex editor (one that performs CheckSums)
- a radio so you can make tests (preferably not yours)
- and plenty of coffee to help you stay awake.
Before starting , run your software, read the radio and save the file to disk. Make backupsof the software as well as the file you just saved to disk.
This file I will be referring to as the 'Radio's codeplug data file'.
* First I need to tell you a little about how I think the software works.
The Motorola software reads the radio's information (codeplug data) and allows you to make changes. This information includes the radio serial number, model number, ROM version number, information about the channels(freq, signl, etc.). Once you read a radio you could change the model number or serial number and reprogram the radio to add channels, signaling, etc. but Motorola has taken several precautions so this can not easily be done.
This is what I have found out:
1. When first reading the radio, the software compares the model number of the radio to a list of models in a file called gp300.mdf (master database file), that file tells the program if the radio is vhf or uhf, the rangeof freq are allowed to be programmed, how many channels are allowed in the radio (2, 4, 8, 16 etc.), and how many watts of output power. It also performs a checksum to verify that the information is okay.
2. When saving the information to disk, the program encrypts this information so you can't change it in any way. And when reading from disk it does a checksum to make sure it wasn't tampered with.
* The first thing you need to do is to disable the encryption process when writing to disk. This will allow you to look at the radio information file that was written to disk and allow you to make the changes you like.
1. Get a good hex editor. One that performs checksums like Hex Workshop. You are going to have to modify the exe file. Since there are many version of the programming software, each one has different addresses that need to be changed. I'll tell you what to look for and you are going to have to do it yourself.
2. All gp300 radio models start with 14 (hex) and p110's with 1C (hex) so look for occurrences of 14 74 and 1C 74 ( run the hex editor and load gp300.exe), this is where the program decidesif the information will be encrypted.
In the GP300 software version I have (r05.03.00 20-AUG-93) the addresss to change are 6E8F and 6E9D. Once you find it, change the 14 and 1C to something else like ff or 00. This will allow you to write the radio'scodeplug data to disk without encryption. In the P110 software version I have (r08.00.00 08-FEB-96) the address to change is 7031. you need to change the 1C to FF.
Note from Batwing:In version R.05.00.00 the adresses are 6D9F and 6DAD. Test run the program and try saving some files and exiting, we have found that depending on whatyou change the 1C74 and 1474 to, the program crashes. In R.05.00.00, try replacing the specified addresses with 1C1C and 1414, respectively. We have been told that changing the addresses to FF74 and FF74 should work as well.If you are looking for the strings to change in a different version of GP300 RSS, look for the first instance of 1474 and 1C74 after the Copyright statement near the beginning of the exe file, these will be the locationsyou need to change.
3. Now you can read a radio and write the information to disk. If you look at the information in the saved codeplug file, the first thing you will see is the serial number of the radio.( Run the hex editor and load the file with the radio's codeplug data. It's name is the same as the radio's serial number ).
At address 0B starts the radio's model number at address 0F is the ROM version number of the radio. If the version is 02 or less, it will allow you to change theradio's codeplug data without any problems.
Here is an example:
addressSerial numberversion#
0000 31 32 33 4654 4E 31 32 33 34 00 04 01 02
0010 00 2E
The program performs a checksum from address 0 to 11. The checksum must be 0300 (read the help file for your hex editor to find out how to do a checksum).
To change this radio into a gp300 16 chan modify the 521C (which is a p110 hex model) to 0314 (which is a gp300 kex model) and do a checksum from address 0000 to 0011. Modify address 0011 so that the checksum equals 0300, (if you fucked up then read the radio again and save the file to disk and start all over) save the file to disk and run the software. Load the file with motorola's software and program the radio.
the new radios cannot be modified this way ,BUT , if you modify the MDF file you can make changes to some of the new radios.
Now lets take a look at another very interesting file called GP300.mdf
This is where all the model numbers are stored. It also contains information like how many channels, what range of frequency, how many watts of output power, etc. for each model.
* The gp300.mdf file is probably the most useful file. It contains the information about all the models. You can change it to allow all models to have 16 channels. You can even changeyour radios model number for a number not on the list, and change the radio's codeplug data to that same non-existent model number, and you have yourself an Electronic Lock. Now if someone tries to read your radio they will get an Error 21 radio not supported. So lets get started.
- 19 50 39 33 59 50 43 32 30 4C 4142 5F0300 1005 27 40
- gp300start with 14 and p110 with 1C
- Model name P93YPC20LAB_ but in hex format
- Range of frequency 03 are vhf 150-170,04 is vhf 170-190, 05 uhf 450-470 more or less
- How many channels remember these are hexvalues 10hex=16 channels (This is very important.If you change all of the models into '10' all the radios readwith this softwarewill be recognized as 16 channel radios)
- How many watts of power 04 for uhf and05 for vhf 3.
1. First thing you must do is a complete checksum. you are going to need it if you make any changes. I got a checksum-16 of 3620.
If you make any changes and fail to leave the checksum the same, the program will not work and will be useless. Don't forget to Backup all your files. When making changes use the trashat the beginning of the file to make the checksum be the same as when you started .
Example : Standard Radius MaxTrac etc, etc, etc.
change these to add or subtract to the checksum so you can leave itthe same.
2. Let me show you a model number in hex format
In gp300.mdf the models are as follows 14 01, 14 02, 1C 53, etc. butin the radio's codeplug data they are inverted example 01 14, 02 14, 531C, etc.
4. The models start at address 05 DE. Thatis where 14 01 starts.
5. In this example I am going to modify the file to allow me to program16 channels to an 8 channel radio
* Get a checksum. I got a checksum of 3620 from address 0000 to 14D5(the entire file)
* Write it Down. When you are working late at night you might forgetto write it down and if you make any changes and leave the wrong checksum,the program will run no more
* Goto address 0815 to modify model P94YPC20D2 from 8 to 16 channels
* Change where it says 8 Chan to 16 Chan
14 1B 19 50 39 34 59 50 43 32 30 44 32 5F 5F 05 1B 08 04 A7 40
14 1B 19 50 39 34 59 50 43 32 30 44 32 5F 5F 05 1B 10 04 A7 40
Remember in hex 10=16chann
* Do another checksum and compare with the first checksum . I got 3628a difference of + 8
* Make the necessary changes in the beginning of the file. You haveto return the checksum to the value it had before the changes. I used address004E and changed it from 78 to 70.
* Get another checksum it should give you the original checksum. I got3620.
* Save the file to disk and Run the program. It will allow you to addup to 16 channels.
Try this with all the models and see how many of your radios work with16 channels. The Radio is still an 8 Chan radio if read using someone elseprogram, but for your program it is a 16 Chan radio.
6. Remember what I said about the Electronic Lock? Well in the aboveexample also change the model number from 14 1Bto 1B 14
14 1B 19 50 39 34 59 50 43 32 30 44 325F 5F 05 1B 08 04 A7 40
1B 14 19 50 39 34 59 50 43 32 30 44 325F 5F 05 1B 10 04 A7 40
And in the Radio's codeplug data changethe model number at address 000B from 1B14 to 141B
Since I only inverted the model number I do Not need to do a checksum.
If you choose a different model number you will need to do a checksumof the radio's codeplug data from address 0000 to0011 and change address 0011 so thatthe chacksum is 0300note: the radio's codeplug data is saved in a file probably in the /mrss/gp300/archive directory and is named after the serial number of the radio.
Now Run your modified Gp300.exe and read the modified file for yourradio. That's the file with the radio's codeplug data you modified.
Now program the radio. You now have an ElectronicLock in your radio.
If you loose your radio noone will be able to read, program or adjustthat radio with the regular Software. You NEEDyour modified software to read that radio.
I don't recommend sending the Radio like this to Motorola if it lateron needs repair since they are likely to confiscate it.
If you need more information about this, post a note to alt.2600 or alt.hacker withthe subject line 'Looking for Hoffis'and I will get in touch with you. Don't forget to mention my name inthe post.
Well That's all for now. I plan on making a more detailed FAQ but sincethere are some things I still haven't found out, I will wait until thento release the complete thing.
I know this doesn't work on ROM version 3 radios but I have seen thiswork on some ROM 4 version radios.
This is what I am trying to find out :
* What address of the exe file does the comparing to see if thechecksum is correct?
* What address of the exe file does the comparing to see if theradio's serial number matches ?
* What address of the exe file does the comparing to see if theradio's models are the same when cloning your radio ?
If you have worked with these programs let me know what you have comeup with. If you have some programs you would like to share or other information, use the above method to post a note.
See you around.
march 23 1997
Software Description: Hex Workshop Hex Editor v6.7.0.5247 Crack Serial
Hex Workshop is a hexadecimal editor thatenables you to edit data from a lot of binary files. The beginnerwill notice that the interface looks very much like a text editorwith some advanced features. It allows you to open a file and viewthe raw data it’s made of (hexadecimal). It is very simple to finda text string or a hex value and to cut, copy, paste or edit thecontent of the file.
To mark important parts of the code the program allows you toadd color maps that will change the color of the text and thebackground. The application allows you to navigate through the databy jumping to a file or sector location and if you want to review apart of the file you can save it as a bookmark.
The user can edit the data by performing basic logical andarithmetic operations or applying functions and conditionalstatements. The program includes the most common conditionalstatements such as IF, IF ELSE clauses and the SWITCH statement. Toview the data information you can use the data inspector thatdisplays the properties of a selected element. The Compare Toolallows you to compare two files and find the differences. Theadvanced user can take advantage of the Resynchronizing Comparethat will provide detailed information about the data pieces thathave been deleted or inserted.
Hex Workshop features tools designed for the advanced users such asthe expression calculator that supports variables, conditionals,iteration and arithmetic operations or the Base Converter that willallow you to quickly convert data between, decimal hexadecimal orbinary.
The program’s interface can be customized with specific color codesfor the text or the background and you can use the preset toolbarsto quickly access the commands that you use frequently. The mainwindow is able to view multiple files either in a tabbed work areaor by tiling the windows. If you prefer to use keyboard shortcutsthe application allows you to define one for almost every commandor menu item.
All of the features included in this software recommend it as soliddevelopment tool for programmers that work on a Windowsplatform.
Here are some key features of “Hex Workshop”:
– Cut, Copy, Paste, Insert, Fill, and Delete Hex.
– Multilevel Undo and Redo
– ASCII, DOS, EBCDIC, Macintosh, Window, Unicode or customcharacter set filters.
– Highlight hex/text sequences using Color Maps
– View modified bytes in a unique color
– Select by offset/length, Select All
– Paste Special (any format on the clipboard)
– Insert File a file or replace selection with the contextsof a File
– Drag and drop files onto Hex Workshop for quick editing
– Select “Hex Edit” from windows Right-Click context menus toview/edit files
– Context sensitive online help
– Color maps help visually pick out hex strings
– View character distributions of your document
– Hex values can be grouped by byte, word, long, quad, or 16bytes
– Specify the bytes per line (1-64) or let Hex Workshop fitto window
– User-definable font and character mapping
– User-definable colors for the offset, odd columns, evencolumn, hex area background, text area background, modified bytes,separator lines, find all instances, highlighted structures,highlighted bookmarks, and compare results.
– Specify significant digits for floating porint/doublerendering
– User-definable short-cut keys
– Enable/Disable warnings and notification message
– Workbook mode allows you to switch between open documentsquickly
– Sector edit paritions or physical disks
– Copy sectors between disks and partitions
– Save Sector Ranges to a file
– Restore Sector Range from a file
– Checksum Generation
– Data Inspector
– Base Converter
– Hex Calculator
Installer Size: 18.3 MB
Download Links : Hex Workshop Hex Editor v6.7.0.5247 Crack Serial